Comparison of the effects of canola oil and rice bran oil consumption on oxidative stress and blood pressure in postmenopausal type 2 diabetic women:A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Background: It has been reported that vegetable oils may affect the level of oxidativestress and blood pressure. This clinical trial aimed to compare the effects of canola oiland rice bran oil consumption on serum malondialdehyde and blood pressure inpostmenopausal type 2 diabetic women.
Methods: The results showed that reduction of MDA level was significantly higher inRBO (p<0.001) and CO (p<0.05) groups compared to the controls. In addition,reduction in MDA level for RBO group was more than that for CO group (p=0.012).Levels of blood pressure remained unchanged in all groups at the end of the study.
Results: Mean serum zinc was 78.3±13.7 μg/dL. Significant difference was detectedbetween mean serum zinc among different BMI groups (ANOVA, p=0.03), while itwas not significant in different education levels and age intervals (ANOVA, p=0.61and 0.95 respectively). Participants from two western provinces of Iran (Khoozestanand Lorestan) had significantly higher zinc level. There was a positive relationship
between serum iron and zinc (Pearson correlation coefficient, r=0.1, p=0.001).
Conclusion: Consuming either CO or RBO could decrease the levels of MDA andoxidative stress in diabetic patients, but RBO was more effective than CO. Neither ofthe oils had any significant impact on blood pressure of diabetic women.
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Issue | Vol 1, No 4 (Autumn 2015) | |
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Canola oil oxidative stress blood pressure diabetic women Rice bran oil |
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