Relationships between mini nutritional assessment and functional status in elderly Iranian people living in nursing homes
Background: Nutrition status is an important constituent of health in an elderly and evaluation of these groups are necessary for development of treatment protocols. The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of malnutrition with mini nutritional assessment (MNA) tool in the elderly living in nursing homes. In addition, the association of MNA results and functional status was investigated.
Methods: 245 of elderly residents in nursing homes in Tehran (90 men and 155 women) were studied. Data were collected using the MNA, anthropometric measurement, and functional evaluations by Katz Index.
Results: 35.1% showed normal status while 55.9% have been classified at risk malnutrition and 9% suffered from severe malnutrition based on MNA scores. Katz score showed that 20.4% older people absolutely depended on others for all of activities for daily living. There was significant difference in score of Katz index according to gender (p < 0.050). A positive correlation was found between MNA scale and Katz index (r = 0.251, n = 245, and p = 0.001). Analysis of logistic regression controlled for age and gender showed in those at risk of malnutrition a higher MNA score significantly lowered the risk of being dependent based on Katz index (odds ratio: 2.14, confidence interval: 1.15-3.98 and p = 0.016), however this relationship was not observed elderly subjects who were malnourished [2.53 (0.92-6.95) and p = 0.070).
Conclusion: The study demonstrates high provenance of risk malnutrition, as well as the close association between functional status and nutritional status in the elderly subjects. Considering the results, a larger study concerning nutritional status and functionality in the elderly living in nursing homes is warranted.
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Elderly Malnutrition Mini nutritional assessment Katz index |
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