Adequacy of Energy Consumption and Macronutrients of the Elderly in Tabriz: Association with Cognitive Function
Background: We aimed to investigate whether the elderly living in Tabriz, Iran meet the requirements for energy and macronutrients intake, and to examine the relationship of their dietary intake to cognitive function.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 164 elderly subjects aged 65 years and older were enrolled. Anthropometric and dietary parameters were measured. The cognitive performance was assessed using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and compered between males and females. The associations of energy, BMI, and macronutrients with cognitive function were also investigated.
Results: About half of the participants (n=83, 50.6%) had BMI in normal range, 22.6% (n=37) were underweight, while 26.8% (n=44) were overweight/obese. Average daily energy intake was 1235.21 (360.89) kcal/day; in 87 (53%) of the elderly, total energy intake was lower than the recommended intake. The subjects consumed 0.77g protein/kg body weight. Fat intake <20-35% (the recommended values) was observed in 93.3% (n=153) of the participants. Additionally, 123 cases (76.4%) suffered from cognitive impairment. A significant difference was also found between genders for cognitive status (p<0.001). A significant association of BMI and fat and protein intake was found with cognitive function.
Conclusion: This study revealed that a relatively high percentage of the elderly had inadequate and unbalanced nutritional intake. Additionally, the degree of cognitive decline was remarkable in the studied subjects. There was a relationship between dietary intake and cognitive performance. Due to the higher vulnerability to nutritional deficiencies and cognitive impairments of the elderly, more attention of health professional to nutritional and cognitive status is warranted.
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Issue | Vol 4, No 4 (Autumn 2018) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
Keywords | ||
Elderly Mini Mental State Examination Dietary intake Dietary requirements Energy intake Body mass index Cognition |
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