Effects of natural honey intake on glycaemic control and lipid profile in type 2 diabetes
Background: Natural honey is among products that are very rich in antioxidants.Several studies have demonstrated its advantages for human beings. However,diabetic patients are recommended not to consume a great amount because of itshigh content in sugar. The aim of the current study was to investigate the safety ofnatural honey in type 2 diabetes.
Methods: Thirty-three patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly recruited andate 10g of natural honey with water per day during ten weeks. During the studyperiod, they did not undergo any changes in their diet, drugs and lifestyle. Beforethe onset of the study and at the end, lipids, glycemic profile, and HbA1c weremeasured. The patients performed regularly capillary blood glucose monitoringtoo.
Results: We observed that HbA1c has significantly increased from 7.2% to 7.65%(p<10-5). Preprandial glycaemia has also increased, but not significantly.However, fasting and postprandial glycemias remained unchanged. Contrary toglycemic effects, honey improves lipid profile, but not significantly. Actually, totalcholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol have decreased, and HDLcholesterol has increased.
Conclusion: Daily consumption of Natural honey can deteriorate glycemic controlof diabetics. However, it is still much better than other sweeteners. So, diabeticsshould take precautions if they consume honey for its advantages, and they coulduse low doses of honey, less than 10 g per day. Nevertheless, more studies shouldbe done to investigate if honey can be beneficial and to determine the mechanismby which it can be
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Issue | Vol 2, No 1 (Winter 2016) | |
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honey oxidative stress diabetes lipid |
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